Acquisition Services > Executive Search / Head hunt

“We at Informative People understand you don’t require a employee as Vice Presidents/Directors – You require a leader in his specific domain”

In our executive search process, stress is laid on culture-fit as the right sync helps in longer retention and higher business productivity based on our understanding of cultural sensitivities, market knowledge and powerful networking skills to provide world class talent for this leadership role..

The Executive Search Methodology:-

  1. A role mapping helps clients identify the desired skill and behavior for a particular leadership role
  2. We prepare a detailed Search brief based on the framework. This capture even a smallest details of the role which helps in focused candidate research
  3. The Search Brief is promptly shared within the Team of research analyst with relevant industry/Functional expertise assist in locating the sources subsequently the targeted potential candidates
  4. The candidates who meet the critical parameter of the clients along with the cultural fit are passed through the selection process / sessions. Our partnership with our client is an enduring process which continues even after the assignment.

Informative People - Executive Search Professionals are from entrenched in particular market sectors. Their market sector networks are used along with various methods to seek candidates for a particular job. Normally the individuals are not actively seeking a new job. It is our job to approach these individuals with a view to taking them out of their current company and placing them with our client, often from a competitor.

Potential candidates are identified, reviewed, qualified and presented to you by our executives for Specific leadership position based upon a written or verbal Job Specification developed in conjunction with the client. Assessing degree of potential fit of the candidate with the job specification is a key activity of our process,

It is common for a potential candidate to be identified by us often by the tele-con that’s the result of a recommendation from someone inside the existing network of our. Our Quality oriented process work hard at cultivating and continually updating their network of contacts so that when a search assignment is awarded we will be ready to start recruiting potential candidates. Alternate way to identify potential candidates involves search firm "research", which is contacting targeted people in specific companies who appear to fit the job profile in some logical manner. Some of the best candidate referrals come from people who could be candidates for the job themselves but for any number of reasons are not interested at that particular time.